DQ Intelligence

DQ intelligence is the collection of social, emotional, and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to deal with the challenges and demands of digital life. This is important because now days everything is technology driven and with that we all need to learn how to not be fooled or learn how to keep us safe as long with all our information. DQ starts with 8 core digital citizenship skills but I will be focusing on screen time management. I chose screen time management as my screen time numbers raise and lowers which can have a positive and negative effect on the rest of my life or time.

College students underestimate the value of adequate sleep. Screen time affects sleep because most people tend to look at their technology devices before bed and scrolling through apps are addicting causing to lose track of time and sleep. Going from doing work to checking your phone for a few seconds can feel like effective multitasking but it’s not, it tends to take up more time. You maybe be feeling busy but instead of doing one thing well you are doing a lot of things badly, every time you switch attention it takes a while for your brain to refocus leading to lost of time. Switching back and fourth frequently stops you from developing the ability to concentrate.

This YouTube video gives a great example and explanation of screen time management. It breaks down multi-tasking and how it may not always be the best option, for example focusing on one thing at a time and doing it right is better than getting distracted and off-track while doing many things at once.

This statistic shows that multiple things to do with screen time such as social media, smartphones, and binge watching affects people at work and potentially in their daily lives, along with school as well. Although it may seem like you are hardly on your phone you are most likely to have a high screen time number. You should be aware of that screen time number and manage how long you stare at a screen.

Tips for managing children's screen time - Guelph Family Health Study

Now days children tend to experience more screen time as it is a way that parents calm down their kid, uses it as a reword system, and to keep them from doing things they aren’t suppose to do. But allowing children to that many screen time can be bad as it dissocializes them, having them depending on it or expecting it all the time, and it will be hard to get the detached and it can complicate things even more for parents.

Aha Moku Advisory Committee Waianae High School Cafeteria - ppt download

Managing your screen time can help the Waianae Moku students by allowing us to have one less distractions. Especially in the academic life any kinds of screens can be a distraction and can have a negative effect on your grades, preference in school, and whether or not you meet deadlines. Going from doing work to checking your phone for a few seconds can feel like effective multitasking but it’s not, it tends to take up more time. You maybe be feeling busy but instead of doing one thing well you are doing a lot of things badly, every time you switch attention it takes a while for your brain to refocus leading to lost of time. Switching back and fourth frequently stops you from developing the ability to concentrate. Technology is one of the most greatest and the most distraction in the academic life as we need the devices to complete or enhance work all while one notification can throw you off. By understanding and learning about your daily/weekly amount of screen time can make a difference in everything else. It’s all about if you are willing to give up something for something better although it can be really hard.

Now days screen time seems to be all the time, also know as lost in digital space. This video talks about how kids now days are getting introduced to different devices and even owning one of their own. Owning your own allows you to not having to share so you can be on it for as long as you like and once you start watching or scrolling your brain becomes wired to wanting to keep watching which leads to a dangerous screen time amount. The longer time spent on screens the worse their social and emotional development gets.


How to measure the value of your work place. October 12,2022. https://www.density.io/blog/how-to-measure-the-value-of-your-workplace

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